The Plan

I normally do crafty things for a specific event or occasion, but I decided I wanted to make more of an effort to do things more regularly, partly to keep busy and partly to break out of the cycle of manic activity before an event then crushing boredom after.

I also decided I wanted to start a blog about it so I’d have some record of how I go about doing things so I can start having some semblance of repeatability for what I make.

I’ll be keeping a list of planned and ongoing projects so my flashes of inspiration don’t disappear into the ether.

The goals

1. Always have at least one project going.

2. Make some progress on at least one project each weekend.

3. Write about it.

Current Projects

1. Overbust corset

2. Workstation

3. Sundress

ETA: Given how this first post looks, I think that #4 needs to be figure out how to use wordpress to make this look pretty (or at least less horrible).